In most of my classes there are one or two dogs, dogs are allowed everywhere on campus except the canteen. They often bark and run around the class room.
I went and asked the dance department if I could take ballet technique class and I had to get permission from their Dean, and so it took ages to find out, but I can't, the classes are full, that makes me sad. I can go along to this contemporary dance class but not been yet. Been doing yoga with the dance department though. I love watching the dancers float around between classes in their crazy concept leotards and sloppy layers. It makes me feel like I am in some kind of 'Fame' academy. I am thinking of the film not TV programme.
I'm a Calartian! Thats what we're called. Like Martians!
My studio has an olive tree in front of it. That totally sold me when I picked it. Unfortunately I did not notice the totally awful bobbly cruddy walls. Some people's studios are good to go now, they moved straight in without having to re-paint or anything - jealous! My walls needed lots of polyfiller and hopefully I will be able to check out a belt sander to smooth them down and paint them soon (this weekend hopefully) then I can move in properly and put my work up and get a desk and a sofa and have that as my make art and chill out place. For the moment it just has a swivel chair, step ladder and my new printer in a box. The printer came free with my brand new shiny white Macbook. I've had it two weeks. I love it. It also came with a free Ipod Nano. I tripped on my ethernet cable on Tuesday, it crashed to the floor and it smashed the screen. TWO WEEKS! It will now cost me $500 to fix it. Ouch!
I had a class with Allan Sekula today, you know what, I thought I would totally love him, but I don't. Can't tell you why at this point, it was just the first class. But I'll let you know. Still totally love Freud class, the tutor for it too and I love Kaucyila Brooke. Archive class is very relevant and fun, and hey, if, reader, you have time, Google the Collyer Brothers. Their life story is just so hilarious.
Things are good today as I went out for a meal with a girl on my course, Maria, and two of her good friends. I'm going to a party on Saturday night, Brica's party and Sunday I am going to a hip hop night in Hollywood with a really cool girl called Alexis. I will tell you how all that goes and I am really excited. I have not managed to get out enough. The start of the week I felt really weird, a little disconnected and confused. I tell you, the society and learning atmosphere are so radically different there is no way you could do this without some serious hard hitting culture shock. I think I had some culture shock and alienation and remembering lots of weird stuff from my past too at the start of the week. Things are much better now though I hope it continues that way. For now though, good night!
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