Wow! It's been a long couple of weeks and pretty stressful, with relaxing moments in between. But stressful mainly.
Thanksgiving was on 22nd November and I took advantage of the long weekend by spending five days in New York at a friend's place. It appears that Thanksgiving is just about the turkey. And thanking. But thank who/what you like for whatever you like, it doesn't seem that there is any kind of a philosophy attached to it. There is an obligation to see family. But it seems important nevertheless to have a pan-American festivity in a multi-faith country. I had tofurkey. It's underwhelming. Chewy. I don't recommend. Other things I managed to do in the Big Apple were: buy some clothes (never seem to go to nice shops here in LA, time and transport factors), buy a Canon G9 digital compact camera that could just change the way I photograph forever (ie my photographs might actually not look shit), go to umpteen Chelsea galleries and MOMA, Whitney, Guggenheim and International Center of Photography. Had nice time. Met some cool people. Ate calorie laden food. Experienced REAL cold for first time in ages. Had to borrow coats before I went from Dana and Alexis and needed to borrow scarves and hats too. The thing about New York is, it puts you on to an extent, it takes the edge off any yearnings for Blighty. Not that I really miss home that much. Friends and family and Dad's tea excluded.
Had some deadlines: showed my work in Image & Text, a presentation in After Archive, a scholarship application and more coming up next week. I did my After Archive presentation after 2 hours of sleep followed by 3 hours of broken sleep on the plane. I went to class direct from the airport. I gave a good talk, but I did not get through all my material because my presentation was hijacked by two hecklers. These two men in the class gave me such a hard time over my work I felt really dragged over hot coals. I really felt that they were bullying rather than constructively critiquing. I am not sure how I handled it, but people came up to me after class saying they liked my work and were really pleased I stood my ground. The funny thing is that the person who went before me was woefully under prepared and he only received support from the class.
On a more positive note, I have now had studio meetings with Allan Sekula, Kaucyila Brooke, Leslie Dick and another with Billy Woodberry. I've found them all really helpful in terms of advice and support, but also I really like and respect them as people. Even Allan. He's great, he likes me. And as for being initially scarred of Billy, I can't believe it, I think he's amazing. He's so knowledgeable and I think he has an incredibly accurate, insightful reading of my work. At my last meeting with him, he shook my hand with the parting shot, 'You're beautiful'.
Assorted good news: an editor from Source magazine contacted me wanting me to send him some j-pegs of my work. I have done. Not heard back from him though. I went to a panel discussion at LACMA this week, chaired by Charlotte Cotton, who I spoke to afterwards, she gave me her email address as she loves CalArts photo people and wants to hear how I'll get on. I'm trying not to think about this too much, but a scholarship that I applied to for 2007-8, that I was put on the waiting list for, has contacted me. There is a slim chance of getting money from them, like now. That would cover for my next tuition payment. Fingers crossed.
The complicated news: the A situation got out of hand, and today she moved out of our suite and into another one. When I pass her now, she ignores me and crosses the corridor/street. I don't want that. I had to go to housing and make a complaint against her though, which I feel bad about, but the situation got far too bad. Very negative. With bad things being said. It's a sad situation though, and one I hoped to avoid.
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